Investment Performance Calculators

SIP Performance

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a popular investment method that involves investing a fixed amount of money into a mutual fund or other investment scheme at regular intervals, typically monthly or quarterly. SIP performance refers to the returns generated by these investments over time. The performance of a SIP depends on the performance of the underlying investments and the market conditions.


STP Performance

Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) is an investment strategy that involves transferring a fixed amount of money from one mutual fund scheme to another at regular intervals. STP performance refers to the returns generated by these transfers over time. The performance of an STP depends on the performance of the source and target schemes and the market conditions.


SWP Performance

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is an investment strategy that involves withdrawing a fixed amount of money from a mutual fund scheme at regular intervals. SWP performance refers to the returns generated by these withdrawals over time. The performance of an SWP depends on the performance of the underlying investment and the market conditions.


Top Performer

Top performers are mutual funds or other investment schemes that have consistently outperformed their benchmark index over a period of time. Top performers are often identified by financial analysts and investment publications.


Dividend History

Dividend history refers to the track record of a mutual fund or other investment scheme in paying dividends to its investors. Dividend history can be an important factor for investors who are looking for income-generating investments.


Scheme Performance

Scheme performance refers to the returns generated by a mutual fund or other investment scheme over time. Scheme performance is typically compared to a benchmark index, such as the Sensex or Nifty.

NAV Calculators

Mutual Funds Calculator

The Mutual Funds Calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to simplify the intricacies of investment planning. With straightforward inputs such as investment amount, time horizon, and expected returns.

Financial Planning Calculators

SIP Calculator

SIP Calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate the future value of a SIP investment. This can help investors to plan for their long-term financial goals.


Marriage Planning

Marriage planning involves budgeting for the costs of a wedding and other expenses related to starting a family. Financial planning for marriage can help couples to achieve their financial goals and avoid unnecessary debt.


Education Planning

Education planning involves saving and investing for the future costs of education, such as tuition, fees, and living expenses. Financial planning for education can help families to afford the high cost of education.



SIP-O-Meter is a tool that can be used to track the progress of a SIP investment. This can help investors to stay motivated and on track to reach their financial goals.



Lumpsum is a large, one-time investment. Lumpsum investments can be used to take advantage of market opportunities or to achieve specific financial goals, such as buying a home or making a down payment on a car.


Life Insurance Planning

Life insurance planning involves purchasing life insurance to protect loved ones in the event of the policyholder's death. Life insurance can provide financial security for family members and help to pay for funeral costs and other expenses.


Retirement Planning

Retirement planning involves saving and investing for the future costs of retirement, such as living expenses, healthcare, and travel. Financial planning for retirement can help individuals to maintain their standard of living in retirement.


EMI Calculator

EMI Calculator is a tool that can be used to calculate the monthly payments for a loan. This can help borrowers to budget for the costs of a loan and avoid overextending themselves.


Income Tax

Income tax is a tax imposed on the income of individuals and businesses. Income tax planning involves understanding the tax laws and taking advantage of deductions and credits to reduce the tax liability.

Goal-Specific Calculators

House Planning

House planning involves budgeting for the costs of buying or building a home. Financial planning for a house can help individuals to afford the down payment, closing costs, and monthly mortgage payments.


Car Planning

Car planning involves budgeting for the costs of buying or leasing a car. Financial planning for a car can help individuals to afford the down payment, monthly payments, and maintenance costs.


Vacation Planning

Vacation planning involves budgeting for the costs of travel, lodging, and activities. Financial planning for a vacation can help individuals to afford their dream vacation without breaking the bank.


Delay Cost

A Delay Cost Calculator helps individuals estimate the potential financial losses or missed opportunities due to delaying financial decisions or taking action.